Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Strange Dream and Ugly boots

Alrite Sportsfans,

Day two of trying to keep this thing afloat. Heres a dream I had last night.

First, I was all decked out in Cougar gear for my team, WSU, for the NCAA Basketball tourney, I forget what game, I don't think it matters. As a side note, we kicked ass, and just barely lost, I was hoping to play G-Town, but oh well. As I was saying. A bunch of us were going out onto the floor at halftime? after? before the game? I have no idea. Well, we did. It's fuzzy, but I guess we did a dance number? or something random like that, cheering, I dunno. Here's where it gets weird.

Some sports announcer guy comes up to me for some reason. He goes like "Congratulations, you've won!" or something similar. It's a dream dammit, I don't have an Iron trap for a mind. Anyway, I get one of those Beige packets. The mailing one with important documents and shit. So I open it, and there's a bunch of stuff. Looked like a bunch of papers of varying sizes. So the first one I see is like a movie voucher or something. Maybe a play, not that it matters. Here's the strange thing. It looks like a sports venue ticket, with seat numbers and shit. Instead, it's for the podcast Anime-Pulse, to which I've listened for like a year at least, year and a half maybe. I was like, ticket, to a podcast, wtf? Then my alarm woke me up to go take a test. FUCK YOU ALARM, I WANNA KNOW WHY I HAD A TICKET TO ANIME-PULSE!

Stupid alarms........

On the ranting side. What's fucking with this crappy style I've seen recently. Skirts + boots. I'll let that sink in for a second. Skirts.... and boots. Not like those fancy dress boots, like Uggs and the fur lined ones that are cheap knockoffs of snow adventuring gear. WHAT POSSIBLY POSSESSED YOU TO WEAR THAT? It looks STUPID! Now, I'm not one for good fashion. I wear cargo pants/shorts and a tshirt/hoodie almost every day, but seriously folks, it doesn't work. The skirt, not long ones, mini to knee length ones, part is saying, look it's summer, I'm cute/sexy/flirty or whatever. The next part, the boots are saying, look, it's winter, it's cold, I NEED FUR IN MY BOOTS CAUSE IT'S SO DAMN COLD! Are you telling me someone decided to put those two things together?! It's preposterous, it's outrageous, it's downright stupid. Do you SLI a Gforce and a Radeon? You don't know what SLI is you stupid whore? Of course not, not many do. Then again, you also wear two opposite things. Freaking moron!

So the first time I saw this, I assumed it was an isolated incident. Oh, no, it's not. I go to WSU, which has 20k students about. There are a lot of students, but I can look around during any passing period and never be out of sight of some stupid girl wearing this shit. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP! You are hot, but even I would turn you down if you started wearing that shit! It makes me want to burn their clothing off, while still on them.....

That's all for now. Look for something tomorow. I'm thinking of updating any neat/funny things during my DnD game friday. Perhaps a running blog of sorts? That would be cool, we have some funny ass shit, good group of guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.